Patriotism in Italy with the Machiavelli Center
Every Monday morning, you can listen the director of the Identity and Democracy Foundation on Ligne Droite, Radio Courtoisie's morning show, followed by his column on our website. The video can be viewed here. This week, we focus on the threat of dissolution of the AFD, Germany's main patriotic party.
Patriotism in Germany with the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation
Every Monday morning, you can listen the director of the Identity and Democracy Foundation on Ligne Droite, Radio Courtoisie's morning show, followed by his column on our website. The video can be viewed here. This week, we focus on the threat of dissolution of the AFD, Germany's main patriotic party.
La Fondation Identité et Démocratie se dote d’un directeur
La Fondation Identité et Démocratie (ID) se dote d’un directeur en la personne de Raphaël Audouard.